Monday, May 5, 2014

What Is.... The Snipping Tool

About the Snipping Tool

The Snipping Tool is a little program that is built in to the Windows Vista, 7 and 8 operating systems. This tool allows you to take screenshots (pictures of what is on your computer screen). 

When you use the Snipping Tool, it "freezes" your screen, then you can select the part of your screen you would like to take a picture of. 

The resulting images can be copy-pasted in to an email or document, saved as an image to your computer, or drawn upon with the pen and highlighter tools. 

How to Use the Snipping Tool

To locate the Snipping Tool, click on the Windows Start button. 

Either search for Snipping Tool or look under All Programs --> Accessories --> Snipping Tool.

The program will freeze your screen (make it look frosted) once it is opened. 

Left-click, hold, and drag to select the part of your screen you would like to create an image of.

Copy, save, or annotate your image 
(or click New to try again.)