Monday, April 7, 2014

What Is... Schoology

About Schoology

Schoology is a course management system like Moodle and Blackboard, except that it has a social networking component built-in (many people say that the program looks a lot like Facebook.)

Members in Schoology may create courses or groups. 


These are the educational component of Schoology - it is where you can upload, create, or organize materials for students to use to take a course. Much like Moodle, this content can be organized by units and include many different activities and assessments for feedback, grades, and interactivity.


These are more along the lines of a social networking component - they are where you can add members to share resources and have discussions between teachers or students for clubs or professional learning communities.

Schoology Accounts

As an individual teacher, it is free to set up a Schoology account and create courses or groups. Students can then set up their own free accounts and enroll in your course or group by entering your course or group's unique access code. 

To learn how to set up a Schoology account or create a course, continue reading... 

How to Create a Schoology Account

1. Go to

2. In the top-right corner of the screen, click on Sign Up

3. Select that you are an Instructor

4. Enter your contact information

5. Enter your district's information

How to Create a Schoology Course

1. At the top of your page, click on Courses

2. At the bottom of the drop-down menu, click Create

3. Enter the information for your new Course and click on Create to finish.

How To Add Students To A Course

Whenever a course is created, it is given a unique access code. 

In Schoology, access your course in the Courses menu, and look to the left side of the screen for a small, green, Access Code box.

Once you give this code you your students, they will be able to go to Courses --> Join and type in the access code to join your course.

Other Resources