Monday, November 10, 2014

What are... Google Fonts

Google Fonts are free fonts from Google that you can use on your websites or download to use in your computer's programs, like Microsoft Word. There are hundreds of fonts available, so if you are looking for the perfect font for a project, this is a great place to start!

To download a font (or lots of fonts), click on the one you like and add it to your collection.

Press the download button in the top-right of the screen.

In the download options, select the zip file.

Open the zip file on your computer.

If you are using a Windows 7 computer, click on:
Start button
--> Control Panel
--> Appearance and Personalization
--> Fonts

Drag and drop the font that you downloaded in the zip folder into the fonts folder to install it. (You may have to give administrator access to complete this process.)

Now the next time you open Microsoft Word or other programs, this font will be available for you to use!

Please note, this font will not appear on other computers that open your Microsoft Word file unless you save the font in the file as well. In Word, this can be done in File --> Options --> Save --> Embed Fonts in the File